Simplify Your Life by Reducing Your Waste

Recently I came across a book by Bea Johnson, author of the bestseller “Zero Waste Home.” In 2009, she helped launch a worldwide zero-waste lifestyle movement that continues to inspire communities. 

Why it Matters

Changing a few habits and reducing our waste helps us to save money and protect the health of our community and environment.

Right now, so much is out of our control, but there are simple things we can do. This is not an article about problems but solutions. Each week, we’ll keep it simple—offering ideas and tips to help you if you aren’t sure where to start, but want to start somewhere!

Remember the 5 Rs – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot! 

Refuse – Say NO to what you don’t need.

Reduce + Reuse – Let go of things that are no longer of use and donate or sell.  Switch from disposable items to reusable and permanent alternatives.

Recycle + Rot – We’ve been told that recycling is the go-to solution for waste reduction, but it comes after the first 3 Rs. Learn how to rot or compost your own household waste. Look for more details about this soon!

Stay tuned each week during August as we address each step. You might find something new you want to try. No idea fits all, so choose something that will work for you and take action!

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Ken Davis

Ken Davis is the Co-op's senior copywriter. Email him at