Our co-op works the way all co-ops work: We’re member-owned! Members own the business by owning shares of co-op stock.
Here’s a cool fact: shares are awesome! Shares are the foundation of all the good a co-op brings to a community. Members, we want you to understand your shares, so here’s a brief primer.
At the heart of how a co-op works is the concept of member-ownership. Simply put, a co-op is a business owned by the people who use it. This is a very different way of doing business. The co-op exists to serve its members and community, rather than to return profits to a single individual or small group of outside investors.
More than 47,000 cooperatives operate in the U.S., with more than 100 million member-owners. Woot! Thriving co-ops build strong, robust local economies. To quote the late Sid Pobihushchy, a visionary cooperative thinker and activist, “Community good and individual good is linked. Cooperation is the ideal state of society.”
Understanding Shares
Remember, Co-op members invest in their business by purchasing ten shares of Co-op stock at $5.00 each. If you own fewer than ten shares, you are a Subscriber. Once you own ten shares, you are a Member. Two types of shares exist, Class A and Class B.
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Ken Davis

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