To our cooperative community,
There is an ancient Chinese proverb, curse actually, that conventionally translated into English says, “May you live in interesting times”. This is one of those times. Please read my message below.
Racism and Bigotry – The Art of Supreme Ignorance
Why art? Because art comes in a multitude of forms – poetry, prose, music, dance, and painting, to name a few. Some art forms are subtle like the smile of the Mona Lisa. Some art forms are more deliberate, like a painting that shreds into pieces once the auction sale concludes. Hence, racism and bigotry. Subtle, sublime and deliberate.
Whatever form racism and bigotry take, they are the height of ignorance. They are wrong. They are abhorrent. They are personal. They are professional. They go against everything a civil society stands for. They are….and should not be.
The Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society, Inc. does not tolerate racism, bigotry, hate speech, physical violence, property violence, bullying, and any other form of anti-social behavior.
All individuals are welcome to cross our doors – to shop, to work, to meet neighbors and friends. We accept and believe that all individuals are created equal, add to the collective fabric of society and have the same equal rights of free speech and freedom of movement. Without hesitation or reservation.
It is our considered hope, that society at large comes to realize, understand, listen to and implement the same value system as our Co-op. Then, and only then, will people, all people, enjoy true freedom.
We are you. You are us. Diverse. Equal. Respected. Welcome. Wanted. Needed.
—Paul Guidone, CFA, General Manager, Hanover Co-op Food Stores
—Allene Swienckowski, President, Co-op Board of Directors

Paul Guidone

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