Bread Selection

Lebanon Store: Love the selection of local breads, but why is the selection so sparse on Mondays (and often after holidays)?

Answer: Monday deliveries are lighter mainly due to what we call the common “baker’s schedule”, which most people don’t think of when purchasing local breads.  A common baker schedule actually starts the day before baking the bread, rest/chill times, rise/proofing times all occur before the baking and then into the oven rotation as the ovens only hold so much at a time.  Most bakers will truly take Saturday afternoon and all of Sunday off with the bread week starting back up Monday for the pre-bake tasks and ready to bake fresh Tuesday morning.

After holidays, this often depends on where the holiday falls within the week.  Major holidays the vendors will fill up the day before the holiday with product lasting until they deliver again unless choosing to have an extra day off for themselves after a holiday.  We try to communicate this with signage but is sometimes tough during the larger holidays but look to improve this as we go.

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