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To Our Community,

I have several important updates for you today.


As I wrote you several weeks ago, the leadership team approved a retention bonus to be paid to employees in January. Each employee will receive an additional $300, to be paid on January 13.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly recognize all Co-op employees for their tenacity and hard work. This bonus is richly deserved.

GM Search

With my upcoming retirement at the end of April, the search continues for the next Co-op General Manager.

Over the past several weeks, displays have been posted in all locations, giving employees the opportunity to answer exploratory questions posed by the GM Search Committee. Members, the Committee would also like to know what you think. Please share your thoughts on the brief survey here.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating: I know from personal, professional experience that companies rarely ask for input on an appointment such as this. Much to its credit, the Committee wants to hear from employees and members.

I encourage all members to take advantage of this opportunity. With your help, we will no doubt find the right person to lead our Co-op into the future.

New COVID testing policy

This week the Supreme Court is scheduled to kick off a special session on Friday, when the Court will hear arguments on the Biden administration’s plan for all large businesses to institute either mandatory vaccinations for all employees or weekly testing for unvaccinated employees.

It is important for me to highlight that the Co-op has a verified, fully vaccinated rate of 87% across all of our business units. However, as I have communicated in the past, out of respect for personal choice, we have opted to institute mandatory testing if it becomes necessary. We must be prepared for the plan to move forward, so we have ordered testing kits, which should arrive next week.

We currently expect the plan to launch the week of January 17.

Wrap Up

My thanks to all our members and shoppers for your ongoing support. Remember to be kind to one another and to yourselves, and we look forward to serving you in our stores and at the curbside.

Onward and upward,


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Paul Guidone

Paul Guidone, CFA, spent the better part of four decades in the investment management business here and abroad. He held positions ranging from analyst through Deputy Chairman and Group CEO, at organizations such as Citigroup (US) and The HSBC Group (London and Hong Kong). He joined the Co-op in 2016 as the CFO and in 2018 became Strategic Advisor to the General Manager. Paul was appointed by the Co-op Board as interim General Manager in March 2020 and General Manager in September 2020. To contact, email

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