Bulk bins—the iconic symbol of food co-ops everywhere. Celebrate Earth Day all weekend long with 15 percent off everything in our bulk department.
- A fabulous sale that proudly eschews pesky excessive food packaging.
- 15 percent off all our awesome bulk stuff.
- Good for you and the planet, too.
- Coffee, beans, flour, sugar, peanut butter, and lots more bulky goodness.
- New to buying in bulk? It’s easy! Just scoop the product you want into a bag and write the item number on the twist tie.
- Split up bulk purchases with friends and family.
- Compare the bulk price with the packaged food price. See the difference!
- Move your bagged items to sealed jars when you get home.
Long-time Co-op member Pat McGovern reminds us that buying in bulk doesn’t do much to help our environment unless we are reducing packaging. (Thanks, Pat!) So bring your own containers! Check out Pat’s other tips and awesome No Plastic Pollution Challenge here.
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Ken Davis
Ken Davis is the Co-op's senior copywriter. Email him at kdavis@coopfoodstore.com.

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